1986 Jeep CJ7 Smoking

  • 1986 JEEP CJ7
  • 4.2L
  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 160,000 MILES
I am brand new to this forum and found it while running a search for white smoke/black smoke coming from CJ7. I followed the discussion between CJMEDVAC and David until either I ran out of pages or David stopped replying to CJMEDVAC (The Medic). Anyways. I was so close to a potential answer to my questions as well. Gonna throw this out there, recently I removed all of the cancer from my '86 CJ7 and sprayed her exterior with Rhino Lining. Love it or hate it (I love it). But moving on. As things go. The day after I did this I started having issues with her. This was two days before Thanksgiving. It was flooding rain, live in South Georgia where the weather shifts extremes from day to day, and I pulled up to my buddies body shop. I noticed that the Jeep had steam coming from the radiator, associated it with water being splashed up into the engine compartment but checked the radiator anyways. It was full. The very next day it was absolutely freezing and I ran the Jeep up to my work to show off her new look. Stayed an hour or so and came out to head to town for Christmas shopping. Now I have always had to pump the gas to get her to start cold but I didn't do that this time. I tried to start her and she refused. I pumped the gas and tried again. Still refused to crank. I could smell gas and when I looked at the carb there was gasoline running from every gasket. I let it sit for another two hours and tried to fire her off again and she wouldn't go. I caught a ride to my friends shop and snatched up a Carter he had sitting around. I cleaned it real good but he told me it had an "idle" problem and was replaced with a Weber. I ran back to the Jeep and put this carb on. Wouldn't crank. Acted like it didn't get any fuel. So I rather quickly rebuilt the original Carter 1 b I pulled off and put it back on. She fired right up but the RPM's were through the roof. I toned the idle down and shot it home. It was at this point that I noticed there was black smoke coming from the exhaust on acceleration. I played a little with the fast idle and she ran fine. All the way up until it stranded me at my soon to be father-in-laws house. Flooded out. It was another very cold day and I seen that the choke was fully closed. I used a screwdriver to weight the linkage and hold open the choke. Started right up. Replaced the air filter and limped home. It kept dying in reverse and at red lights I had to throw it up into Neutral to stay running. I took it to my buds body shop and his mechanic used a vacumm gauge to try to adjust the carb. My thought was "who knows what the PO did to the old carb before I rebuilt it." Well the mechanic couldn't adjust the carb. He said that it was just bad. Period. Odd note. It then began to puff black smoke, then white smoke on acceleration, but only if the air filter was on. Take it off. No smoke. I decided to replace it with a Weber 32/36 DGEV Electric Choke. I put it on the Jeep and it wouldn't stay running unless I feathered the gas. I didn't want to but I set the idle up a little and she seems to idle fine now. I ran it around the neighborhood, real peppy, but. I still have puffs of black and white smoke on acceleration. My friend told me. Its a character of the Jeep. Noooo. It wasnt until the OEM Carter died. I believe there is something that can be fixed, tweaked, what have you. Which will correct this.
I am at a loss. I don't want to sit at red lights puffing black smoke. Also, if its a coolant issue I need to know. I checked the oil and its clean, no coolant there. I gave it a tune up 6 months ago. Plugs, wires, rotor, cap. I gave it a Nutter bypass at the same time. She has a stock intake manifold. Only oil leak I have found, this was recent, was from the gasket under the distributor. I am going to fix this. The timing was just set by the mechanic at 10 BTDC. I heard that 8 (+/- 2) is fine for a Weber with a Nutter bypass.
This is my new baby and I have grand plans for her. Love some help. Also. If "THE MEDIC" reads this. I was following your posts and was interested additionally in the part about helping out with the heater. I like heat. Not a cold guy and anything to boost the heater would be appreciated. I am trying to remember all the questions THE MEDIC had about the vehicle and hope that I have answered most of them.
Friday, December 13th, 2013 AT 8:20 AM

32 Replies

  • 110,029 POSTS
The Medic is the best we have for the older CJ vehicles. However, just in case he doesn't see this, I will try to help. If he jumps in, GREAT. I will then stop. Lol

As far as the black smoke, to me it sounds like you have a problem with the choke. Is it fully opening when the engine is warm?
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Friday, December 13th, 2013 AT 8:48 AM
  • 17 POSTS
I cannot say for certain that the choke is fully open after the engine has warmed up. I didn't check after I ran her around the block. But I did note that the choke was fully closed when it was cold. Additionally. I forgot to add that I have a length of clear gas line at the fuel filter (something I stole from my stuff for my bobber) and I can see air bubbles in the fuel line. I was told that this was not normal and that there was a "leak" somewhere allowing air in. As a precaution I have purchased a new fuel pump and will throw it on over the weekend. I just wanted to put everything that I have seen out there.

Thank you for the prompt response.
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Friday, December 13th, 2013 AT 1:59 PM
  • 110,029 POSTS
I have to be honest, it sounds like the choke is an issue with this problem. I would start by checking to see if it opens full and stays open when the engine is at operating temp.
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Friday, December 13th, 2013 AT 6:54 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Thanks to both of y'all for the responses. I checked tonight after I let her warm up but I didn't run her around. The butterflies were open about half way, certainly not fully open. I will recheck tomorrow when I run her around the neighborhood for three or four times. I know that being brand new don't mean anything but the carb doesn't even have a mile on it yet.

It's a new Weber 32/36 DGEV (electric choke)

I have checked and there is switched power running to the electric choke.

Trying to throw in a pic to show what I'm working with, mostly to see if I can get one in. If this works I will shoot some pics under the hood in the morning and maybe something my jump right out at y'all.

Oh yeah one more thing. I'm running a Mr. Gasket fuel pressure regulator set at 3 lbs.

The timing was set by my buds mechanic. He used a timing light and told me he set it at 10 degrees, said it was initially at 2. And I also write long winded answers.
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Friday, December 13th, 2013 AT 10:26 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Ok. Ran the Jeep and the choke was fully open after she warmed up. Had white smoke while she was idling and black smoke on acceleration. I changed the fuel pump, bent and replaced the original metal fuel line and went after the leaking distributor mounting gasket. Well I found out why it was leaking so bad, half of the metal mounting service, where the gasket meshes up to on the shaft, is broken and off and long gone. Joy. Now I'm looking for a new distributor.

But back to the test drive, I noticed that she wasn't wanting to shift (but did). She seems spunkier but still sluggish (if you can picture that).

And speaking of pics, I can't tell if my pic posted or not. All I see is a thumb but no image and it won't load.
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013 AT 9:53 AM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Your pics may be "too big".....you may have to resize....not knowing 'zackly how to do that with my newer rebel camera....i'm snapping mine with the ole kodak ez-share

I'd like to see some good shots of your whole engine w/ the breather removed......left....right.....overhead (standing on the bumper...hood resting on the windshield frame)

Fuel system---the mr. Gasket reg ain't perfect in calibration.....i've found that they put out a tad lower than the setting....you might wanna increase a click or two

Is your fuel system still configured like it should be?


(my mini-fuel gauge is sorta whited out by the flash)

During the timing process....biggies....was idle speed correct during the setting?.......was the vacuum advance hose temporarily plugged off during the process?

With the timing light still attached---can you see/ tell if the mechanical advance was working?.....what about the vacuum advance?

Do you know how to check these?

Incorrect timing/ advances not working will really mess up performance.......you'd be amazed how one little adjustment can mess up the whole scheme of things

Pics that work?

Your turn

The medic
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013 AT 9:41 PM
  • 17 POSTS
I'm gonna work on the pic issue in the morning. When the timing was set the idle was not correct. It seems the advances were functioning but there was no way the carb was adjusted right when it was set. I will bump up the pressure on the reg. I'm not a fan of Mr Gasket but Holley wasn't available. I'm putting in a new distributor in the morning and then I will see if there's any difference.

It may be Monday before I can get pics up. Right now I'm just using my IPhone but with my work computer I can resize or whatever to get them on if I can't figure it out in the morning.

New distributor, new fuel pump and lines. Maybe something will make a difference. I don't own a timing light or a dwell meter. A lot of my gear was stolen and I've spent the last two years replacing things. But if need be I can buy one Monday.

Thanks for your help
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013 AT 10:30 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
A pawn shop is a great place to find cheap tune-up gear. Few people even know what a timing light and a dwell/ tach is anymore. Considered dinosaur stuff by the nintendo generation

This stuff sorta works back and forth---one effects the other. If the mechanical advance was thrown out due to high idle speed. Timing will be set wrong

The medic
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013 AT 10:38 PM
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Let's get you a going. Heat is my best-us friend.I've got a great homemade back-up heater. Within the last 2 weeks, I have been making a little modification to the original. Well, no that was wrong. The '82 heater system that I replaced my crappy '77 heater with years ago

So I have the same thing you have. Just it's getting better!

I too hate the cold. In the army every major training phase I went thru was during the winter.I was stationed in savannah, ga (4 hours from home up here in s.C.)The "cake taker" was attending ranger school in a winter phase.5 degrees in the mountain phase, wearing nothing but jungle fatigues and jungle boots, totin' a cj 5 or equivalent on my back, little sleep and little chow, my whole vacation lasting 4 months. Anything under 70 degrees now, has me close to a jacket or coat. There are no less than 3 of them in my vehicles at any given time!

I'm taking pics of this mod, so you can share in it (and the others) soon

A few pics of my man-cave

The medic
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 7:57 AM
  • 17 POSTS
Love the decor there! Also wanted to say thank you serving your country. My father retired after 24 years in.

I took a bunch of pics and I will try to get them up tomorrow at work. Spent the day putting in the new distributor. I had marked where the rotor was facing, on the old distributor, which of course became a core. So I got the new one in and just started over, found TDC and went from there. Adjusted the timing by hand (kinda) as I couldn't come up with a timing light. I was able to get some of the smoking to stop but I most certainly need to adjust the timing. Gonna probably set it at 8 degrees since I did the Nutter bypass and work from there. It still pops black smoke when I give it gas and I certainly wouldn't smoke within 25 feet of my tail pipe. I took it for a test drive and she was kinda boggy in drive. I'm gonna try to come up with a timing light ( gonna pop a few pawns then a decent thrift ). Maybe then can look at the carb once I get the timing where it's supposed to be. The choke is working. Set the reg to 4 lbs.
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 2:58 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Never turn your core in 'till it's all good to go!

Lemme know when you get timed......is any of my info possibly gonna help you do it?........what about the carb stuff?

Here's mr. Link to my 2 versions of the homemade "sahara breeze"


Still working on the oem heater modification....pics will come soon!

The medic
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 3:50 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Your info is very helpful. To be in fact, I searched the inner web and found another of your posts about putting in the distributor. There are some things that I can do fairly easy but adjusting this Weber is beyond me. I get the principal behind it all but not the execution.
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 4:40 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Well. It's sideways but I got a pic in! Let's try some that count
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 4:50 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Ok. Try one at a time
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 4:54 PM
  • 17 POSTS
Well back to the drawing board so to speak. I will get the pics on tomorrow then
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 4:58 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Keep trying. Use a different camera

I try to "personalize", "tailor", or rather "fit my answer to the best of my ability to the situation". Best case to find the issue fast, and teach the "asker". Something, I hope.I kinda try to take into account the "asker's" ability and knowledge. What has been performed (was it right?). And steer the testing, in whatever direction it keeps taking us.

. So with that said. Each problem might go thru a fast. Or slow route to wind up with a solution. Even 2 identical solutions may have been arrived at in different ways

. Don't get all wound up in one----unless you see where i'm going, as your fixes, could be a little different

. There's a lot of pieces to the cj puzzle, it does take a little time to see how each fits together. Even though i've had 7 total and nothing else. And shoot.I reckon i've worked on a hundred or more in real time. And i've answered nearly every cj 5/7 since 2009 in 2carpros.I'm still learning stuff!

The medic
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 5:33 PM
  • 17 POSTS
I certainly keep my mind open to all suggestions/ideas/solutions. I appreciate all of the help and info and know how difficult it is to diagnose a problem by proxy so to speak. That's why I try to give every little piece of information because you never know what may fix a problem or at least point you in the right direction. I know that I have smoke coming from the tail pipe but the cause. Have to figure out.

I like the heater your working on, love to see the OEM route when you're finished. This is the 1st CJ I have worked on. My history with Jeeps are a few 89 YJs and sll 4wd issues. I've owned several lifted Chevys, all with IFS. Old vettes and my hobby is building my bobbers and choppers.
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 6:25 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Well you gotta pic thru!

. Airborne!

Send the shots I want of the jeep. And a good one of the jeep too!

Sell the chainsaw on wheels. Buy another jeep. Like a willys. Everybody should have 2 minimum

My pal gimme one before he shipped off to germany.3 months later, going over the hood of a car, while I was doin' 50 was enough for me. With my cat-like paratrooper tuck and roll skills, I walked away with a little road rash.I was able to "tuck". The roll was inevitable

. It woulda been a "you tube" moment for sure. Back in '85, there wuddn't no you tube

I didn't even have time to soil the seat. That was the last time I ever sat upon one

.I'll stick with my jeepin'!

I just noticed you had replied

I'm makin' explanation pics for the oem heater modification.I gotta have some daylight to finish up the mod, seems I have to work till dark here lately

The medic
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013 AT 7:00 PM
  • 17 POSTS
And I may well sell the bobber as soon as I finish building it. I do it for the "something to do" when its too cold to be outside.

Gonna try to add some pics from the work computer. Unfortunately I don't know if they dont take until I see the failed thumbs.
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Monday, December 16th, 2013 AT 4:39 AM
  • 17 POSTS
And this will work. Ok quick explanation on the above photos. These are all with the distributor out of the Jeep. The EGR is also missing as I used it to get the dimension to make a block off plate. The engine was dead cold. You can see the broken piece on the distributor in the first pic. That's water on the valve cover. It came off of the hood as I propped it up.

If the next ones come through ok, these are after the Dist was back in. Additionally I threw in three to show the transition of the Jeep.
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Monday, December 16th, 2013 AT 5:03 AM

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