No sign of any electricity going to the car?

  • 2WD
  • 102,000 MILES
I have a VW convertible beetle that was working fine. I got home and parked the car. To make sure all the windows were rolled up I pulled up the window switch to roll up all the windows (all the windows were already up I just wanted to double check). Right when I pulled up on the switch the car shut off. I turn the key and there is no sign of any electricity going to the car. It's like the car isn't acknowledging I am turning the key. I know the battery isn't drained because of the hazards and the clock still works. But when I turn the key the dash lights, windows, A/C won't turn on and the car won't crank. I am wondering what the problem is and why it shut off when the windows were tried to roll up when already rolled up. I am thinking there is a connection from the battery to the ignition switch that is not working but I am not sure. From my understanding there is an ignition relay that is between the battery and the ignition switch. I have checked the relay and it still works. I do have an external wire going straight from the battery to the ignition relay to pin 30. Because there was no power going to that pin in a prior problem.

I am wondering what the problem is and how to fix it.
Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 AT 11:11 PM

1 Reply

  • 109,340 POSTS

I attached the power window wiring schematic below for you to see (pics 1 and 2). There really isn't anything I see there that should have caused this to happen. However, when I work backward, I do see the power relay you mentioned. Also, it is responsible for several different things including the windows.

Pic 3 is from the power distribution schematics showing the circuit breaker for the windows and the relay. Pic 4 shows the relay in question. It is located in the relay box under the dash on the driver's side. Check that relay.

Here is a link you may find helpful:

Let me know what you find.


See pics below.

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Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 AT 8:24 PM

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