Hello guys,
I have an update on this transmission issue: I last told you that Cottman Transmission shop took the car on July 27, 2022, and by August 3rd, 2022, he and his rebuilders decided to do a swap after $540.03 inspection, servo cover and pan replacement and $1446.63 for the swap itself out the door. Here is what happened after that:
1. Cottman Transmission calls me: "Transmission is in the car and swap is complete but won't come out of first gear."
2. Cottman Transmission calls me: "It needs shift Solenoids."
3. Cottman Transmission calls me: "Solenoids have been replaced, but it does not have 2nd or 3rd gear. I need to take it out and disassemble it to find the issue."
4. It is August 26, 2022. Cottman Transmission calls me: "Car is ready."
5. I pick up the car after paying an additional $1014.54 making the total after one month: $3001.22
6. I drove the car 7 miles to the house and went to bed on Friday night. Saturday afternoon:
30-inch plus diameter Transmission Fluid puddle all over the driveway.
7. I called Cottman Transmission. He said: "bring the car right away." I did (This morning: August 29, 2022) after making sure transmission fluid level was still acceptable.
8. Few hours later, he called me: "car is ready." I went in. He said: "that was not transmission fluid. It was Coolant." I said, I know coolant dropped below acceptable lever after adding and I spilled some too. But the fluid is red, viscous, smells like transmission fluid and when mixed with water did not mix." Naturally, he thought I was opposing his builder's conclusion. He got upset a little. I immediately responded. I may very well be wrong but that was what I knew transmission fluid to be and tried to calm the situation before I lost his professional services. I immediately remembered that our driveway is part level; part inclined. I mentioned it to him. He responded: "hang on; don't go anywhere. The car is on the Lift; I will have my builder lower one end to see what happens."
9. Few minutes later: "Yup! It is leaking!" "The Dip Stick had been broken and JB Welded: Bring me a dip stick, and I will install it for you after which I am washing my hands of this car." By the way, it is a great car really.
On the way back to the house, I decided to take a long drive to give the ECM a chance to clear itself: The car drove beautifully. It felt as though I was driving a 2022 SUV! It shifted nicely and sturdy and smooth. I was supposed to get the Inspection renewed, and on the way to do so, the Check Engine Light Illuminated. No, I did not lose it. I am still here! I had it scanned: It said: Heated Oxygen Sensor Bank2 Sensor2. I will have the HO2 B2S2 replaced and clear the ECM and then get it inspected tomorrow unless Zues and Persephone are looking for a Sisyphus, then I will definitely wash my hands of this car as well even though this G6 is awesome and would not want to sell it for less than 10000 dollars!) By the way, is B2S2 O2 sensor towards the nose of the car or toward the dashboard? Right or left? If you can't answer that in this section; I will open a new question. I also need to ask a question about the brake light switch. It seems to be stuck in on position and was wondering if I took it out to test it or replace it, will it affect the actual braking (I mean besides the obvious: brake light not operating properly)
Well, Guys, it's been a learning experience. The good news is that I have another 4T65E FR3 transmission now (the one that needed the reluctor and the new harness) sitting on the bench, I am tempted to replace them and see what the problem was! But then again, I should let go. I think!
Monday, August 29th, 2022 AT 4:15 PM