2001 Dodge Intrepid Could my transmission be going out?

  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 130,000 MILES
I just bought this car.I'm starting to feel like I really got taken advantage of. But anyways I've had this car for alittle over a month now an its been in the shop 4 times for various reason. I already had to have the raditor replaced an other items. But now when I first start my car and put it in drive it takes it a minute to shift gears. The rpm gauge will go alittle past 3 and it will finally shirt but it shirfts hard. Now its seems like its getting stuck in 2 gear I believe cuz when im going about 30 to 40mph than it shifts but jerks the car. Oh please help me. What kinda things can I check? What opinions this may be? Someone told me to check the transmission filter but I have no clue where that it. The car is a major turd an doesnt have the power that this car should.
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 AT 12:13 PM

1 Reply

  • 33,822 POSTS
It sounds like it's staying in second gear. That would make it feel like it has no power. If it goes to second gear right after it shifts to a new gear, it is likely slippage in one of the clutch packs inside the transmission. That is fairly serious.

If you find it starts out in second gear right after starting the engine, it is more likely to be a problem with a sensor. A sensor can go bad anytime, and is relatively minor.

Either way, there should be a diagnostic fault code memorized in the Transmission Computer. Have that code read by a mechanic. That will lead to the circuit or system with the problem, not necessarily the bad part.

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Thursday, March 11th, 2010 AT 9:35 PM

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