1970 Chevy Camaro Brake and turn signal issue.

1970 Chevy Camaro

I have a '70 Camaro project that I'm just about finished with but I'm having an issue with the right side turn signals and brake light. All parking lights work front and rear. The brake light and turn signals work fine on left side of car, not at all on right. Now all lights flash when emergency flashers are engaged.

I'm thinking there must be a junction point that's just not making contact on that part of the brake/signal circuit for the right side. I was really thrown for a loop when the emergency flashers all worked. Any ideas?
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010 AT 8:28 PM

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Try running a ground wire seperate to your back righ tlight and see if it works then. If it doesn then you have a bad ground and have to clean up the grounding. Especially if you have repainted the car. It may be the socket as well. On this model car make absolutely sure you have a ground wire running from the battery to the body as well as a ground wire from the body to the engine. It should be at least 12 guage wire. If you don't run one fromt h engine to the body, when you turn the blower on high it will ground through the trans cable and you will shift into drive and then go to park but will stick in drive.
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Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 AT 5:45 PM

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