Honda Pilot Oil Consumption

  • 2010 HONDA PILOT
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 17,500 MILES
I own a 2010 Honda Pilot with 17500 miles on it. I seem to be burning about a quart of oil every 3000 miles which the dealer indicates up to 1 quart per 1000 is normal. I have previously owned 2 Accords, a CRX, Acura Integra, Acura TSX and never have they consumed oil. I read online that the vcm gas saving feature on this engine could be the cause as honda goofed with the design. I tend to own a car for about 10 years and burning oil at this stage makes me concerned.
Sunday, November 28th, 2010 AT 4:21 PM

1 Reply

  • 33,824 POSTS
If you look at your dipstick, you will see it no longer reads "full" and "add". It reads "min" and "max". Manufacturers are doing that now to avoid complaints of oil usage. As long as the level is between those two points you do not need to add any oil. Losing one quart between every oil change is not uncommon and not a cause for concern unless it is leaking outside the engine.

Since you visited the dealer already, they will have a record of that. In the unlikely event you do have trouble later they might take care of it under an extended warranty. At least that's the way Chrysler works. As long as the intermittent problem was documented during the original warranty period, they will take care of it later. Most manufacturers other than GM operate the same way for customer satisfaction.

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Sunday, November 28th, 2010 AT 4:34 PM

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