This car repair term abbreviation table has been created by ASE certified mechanics to help you understand the acronyms of the automotive industry. Though many manufactures have there own set of acronyms these are the most common. If the following definition does not make sense visit more research must be done using the manufactures name along with the abbreviation. Most of these definitions have to do with various sensors and switches used in today's car.
A - Amperes
ABS - Anti-Lock Brakes
ABRS - Air Bag Restraint System
AC - Alternating Current
A/C - Air Conditioning
ACCS - A/C Cycling Switch
ACCUM - Accumulator
ACCY - Accessory
ACT - Air Charge Temperature Sensor
ADJ - Adjust or Adjustable
ADV - Advance
AFS - Airflow Sensor
A/F - Air/Fuel Ratio
AI - Air Injection
AIR or A.I.R. - Air Injection Reactor
AIS - Air Injection System
Alt. - Alternator or Altitude
ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link
Amp - /amp/amps: Ampere
APS - Absolute Pressure Sensor
ASCS - Air Suction Control Solenoid
ASD - Auto Shutdown
ASDM - Air Bag System Diagnostic Module
ASV - Air Suction Valve
A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
ATC - Automatic Temperature Control
ATDC - After Top Dead Center
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATS - Air Temperature Sensor
AWD - All Wheel Drive
Aux. - Auxiliary
Avg. - Average
AXOD - Automatic Transaxle Overdrive (Ford Models Only)
B+ - Battery Positive Voltage
BAC - By-Pass Air Control
BAP - Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor
BARO - Barometric
Batt. - Battery
Bbl. - Barrel (Example: 4-Bbl.)
BCM - Body Control Module
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BMAP - Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
BOO - Brake On-Off Switch
B/P - Backpressure
BPS - Barometric Pressure Sensor
BPT - Backpressure Transducer
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
BTU - British Thermal Unit
BVSV - Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve
C - Celsius (Degrees)
Calif. - California
CAN - Controller Area Network
CANP - Canister Purge
CAS - Crank Angle Sensor
CARB - California Air Resources Board
CAT - Catalytic Converter
CB - Circuit Breaker
CBD - Closed Bowl Distributor
CC - cubic centimeter
CCC - Computer Command Control
CCD - Computer Controlled Dwell
CCOT - Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCW - Counterclockwise
CDI - Capacitor Discharge Ignition
CEC - Computerized Engine Control
CID - Cubic Inch Displacement
CM - Centimeter
CMP - Camshaft Position Sensor
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
Cont. - Continued
CONV - Convertible
CP - Canister Purge
CKP - Crankshaft Position Sensor
COP - Coil On Plug Ignition
CPI - Central Port Injection
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CSSA - Cold Start Spark Advance
CSSH - Cold Start Spark Hold
CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor
CTVS - Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch
Cu. In. - Cubic Inch
CVC - Constant Vacuum Control
CVR - Control Vacuum Regulator
CV - Check Valve or Constant Velocity
CW - Clockwise
CYL or Cyl. - Cylinder
C3I - Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
C4 - Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter
D - Drive
dB - Decibels
DC - Direct Current Or Discharge
DDD - Dual Diaphragm Distributor
Def. - Defrost
Defog. - Defogger
DEFI - Digital Electronic Fuel Injection
DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
DFI - Digital Fuel Injection
DFS - Deceleration Fuel Shutoff
Diag. - Diagnostic
DIC - Driver Information Center
DIS - Distributorless Ignition System
DIST - Distribution
DLC - Data Link Connector
DMM - Digital Multi Meter
DOHC - Double Overhead Cam
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DOT - Department of Transportation
DRB-II - Diagnostic Readout Box
DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter
E2PROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EACV - Electronic Air Control Valve
EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module
EBL - Electronic Back Light
EBM - Electronic Body Module
ECA - Electronic Control Assembly
ECM - Engine Control Module (sometimes referred to as PCM powertrain control module)
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EDIS - Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EECS - Evaporative Emission Control System
EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
E2PROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFC - Electronic Fuel Control
EFCA - Electronic Fuel Control Assembly
EFE - Early Fuel Evaporation
EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRPS - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EGRT - EGR Temperature
EI - Electronic Ignition
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EMR - Electronic Module Retard
EOS - Exhaust Oxygen Sensor
EOBD - European Onboard Diagnostics
EPOS - EGR Valve Position Sensor
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (chip)
ESA - Electronic Spark Advance
ESC - Electronic Spark Control
EST - Electronic Spark Timing
ETC - Electronic Throttle Control
EVAP - Evaporative Emission System
EVIC - Electronic Vehicle Information Center
EVP - EGR Valve Position
Exc. - Except
F - Fahrenheit
F/B - Fuse Block
FBC - Feedback Carburetor System
FBCA - Feedback Carburetor Actuator
FCS - Fuel Control Solenoid
Fed - Federal
FDC - Fuel Deceleration Valve
FI - Fuel Injection
FIPL - Fuel Injector Pump Lever
FPR-VSV - Fuel Pressure Regulator Vacuum Switching Valve
FLS - Fluid Level Sensor - Foot Pound
FWD - Front-Wheel Drive
G - Grams
GALS - Gallon
GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection
GEN - Generator
GND or GRND - Ground
GPEC - Global Powertrain Engine Controller
GPM - Grams Per Mile
GPS - Global Positioning System
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight
H20 - Water
HAC - High Altitude Compensation
HC - Hydrocarbons
H/D - Heavy Duty
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
HEI - High Energy Ignition
Hg - Mercury
HGT - Height
HLDT - Headlight
HO - High Output
HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
HP - High Performance or Horsepower
HSC - High Swirl Combustion
HSO - High Specific Output
HT - High Tension
HTR - Heater
Hz - Hertz(Cycles Per Second)
IACV - Idle Air Control Valve
IAT - Intake Air Temperature
IATS - Intake Air Temperature Sensor
IC - Integrated Circuit
ICM - Ignition Control Module
ICS - Idle Control Solenoid
I.D. - Inside Diameter
ID - Identification
IFI - Indirect Fuel Injection
IGN - Ignition
In. - Inches
Inch Lbs. - Inch Pounds
in. Hg - Inches of Mercury
Inj. - Injector
IMRC - Intake Manifold Runner Control
IP - Instrument Panel
ISC - Idle Speed Control
ISO - International Standards Organization
ITCS - Ignition Timing Control System
ITS - Idle Tracking Switch
IVSV - Idle Vacuum Switching Valve
JAS - Jet Air System
J/B - Junction Block
JTEC - Jeep Truck Engine Controller
KAPWR - Keep Alive Power
k/ohms - kilo-ohms (1000 ohms)
kg - kilograms (weight)
kg/cm - Kilograms Per Square Centimeter
kHz - Kilohertz
Km - Kilometers
KM/H - Kilometers Per Hour
KOEC - Key On, Engine Cranking
KOEO - Key On, Engine Off
KOER - Key On, Engine Running
kPa - Kilopascals
KS - Knock Sensor
kV - Kilovolt
kW - Kilowatt
L - Liter
lbs. - Pounds
lb./ft. - Pound Feet
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
L/D - Light Duty
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LHD - Left-Hand Drive
LTFT - Long Term Fuel Trim
LWB - Long Wheel-Base
mA - Milliamps
MA/MAF - Mass Air Flow
MAFS - Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT - Manifold Air Temperature
MCS - Mixture Control Solenoid
MCT - Manifold Charge Temperature
Mem. - Memory
MEM/CAL - Memory Calibration Chip
mfd. - Microfarads
MFI - Multiport Fuel Injection
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Light
mm - Millimeters
MPG - Miles Per Gallon
MPH - Miles Per Hour
MPI - Multi-Point (Fuel) Injection
MPV - Multi-Purpose Vehicle
ms - Millisecond
mV - Millivolts
NA - Not Available
NGC - New Generation Controller
NGS - New Generation Star
N.m - Newton Meter
No. - Number
Nos. - Numbers
NOx - Oxides of Nitrogen
NVRAM - Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
O2 - Oxygen
O2S - Oxygen Sensor
OBD - On-board Diagnostics
OBD I - On-board Diagnostics One
OBD II - On-board Diagnostics Two
OBD III - On-board Diagnostics Three
OC - Oxidation Catalyst
OD - Overdrive
O.D. - Outside Diameter
OE - Original Equipment
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHC - Over Head Camshaft
OHV - Over Head Valve
O/S - Oversize
OS - Oxygen Sensor
oz. - Ounce
ozs. - Ounces
P - Park
P/B - Power Bakes
P/C - Printed Circuit
P/N - Part Number
PA - Pressure Air
PAIR - Pulsed Secondary Air Injection
PAS - Power-Assisted Steering
PCM - Powertrain Control Module (sometimes referred to as ECM engine control module)
PCS/PC/SOL - Purge Control Solenoid
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PECV - Power Enrichment Control Valve
PFI - Port Fuel Injection
PGM-FI - Programmed Fuel Injection
PID - Parameter Identification
PIP - Profile ignition pick-up
PNP - Park Neutral Position Switch
P/N - Park/Neutral
PPM - Parts Per Million
PRNDL - Park Reverse Neutral Drive Low
PROM - Program Read Only Memory (chip)
P/S - Power Steering
PSI - Pounds Per Square Inch
PSP - Power Steering Pressure
PSPS - Power Steering Pressure Switch
pts. - Pints
PTC - Pending Trouble Code
PTC - Positive temperature coefficient Additional : This is applied to the way the resistance of a thermistor varies with temperature. In this case, the resistance will increase as the temperature raises
PTO - Power Take-Off
Pwr. - Power
PWR - Power to Weight Ratio
Qts. - Quarts
R/A - Resume or Accelerate
RABS - Rear Anti-lock Brake System
RAC - Remote Accessory Controller
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAM - Ride Air Module
RAM - Remote Anti-theft Module
RAP - Retained Access Power
RAV - Remote Activation Verification
RBC - Rotary Blade Coupling
RCC - Rear Climate Control
RCC - Remote Climate Control
RCM - Restraint Control Module
RCDLR - Remote Control Door Lock Receiver
RDCM - Right Door Control Module
RDM - Rear Door Module
RDS - Radio (broadcast) Data System
RDS - Radio Display System
REC - Receive
RECAL - Recalibrate, Recalibration
RECIRC - Recirculation
RECIS - Remote Entry Control and Immobilizer System
REDOX - Reduction Oxidation Catalytic Converter
REEGR - Rotary Electric EGR
REF - Reference
RESC - Remote Emergency Satellite Unit
REX - Rear Exchanger
RF - Radio Frequency
RF - Right Front
RFA - Remote Function Actuator
RFF - Roller Finger Followers
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
RFWS - Right Front Wheel Speed
RH - Right Hand
RIM - Radio Interface Module
RIM - Rear Integration Module
RKE - Remote Keyless Entry
Rly - Relay
RM - Relay Module
RMD - Right Mid Door
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPA - Rear Parking Assist
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RPM - Remote Power Module
RPO - Regular Production Option
R&R - Remove and Replace
RR - Right Rear
RRD - Right Rear Door
RSA - Rear Seat Audio
RSC - Roll Stability Control
RSS - Reverse Sensing System
RSS - Road Sensing Suspension
R/T - Road/Track
RT - Right
RTC - Real?Time Clock
RTD - Real Time Dampening
RTN - Return
RTT - Reconfigurable Telltale
RTTP - Rotunda Technician Tool Program
RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RV - Recreational Vehicle
RVAC - Rear Video/Audi/HVAC Module
RVP - Reid Vapor Pressure
RWAL - Rear Wheel Anti-lock
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive
RWS - Rear Wheel Steer
SBC - Single Bed Converter
SBD - Strategy Base Diagnostics
SBEC - Single Board Engine Controller
SC - Supercharged
SEFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SES - Service Engine Soon (light)
SFI - Sequential (Port) Fuel Injection
SIL - Shift Indicator Light
SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIPS - Side Impact Protection System
SOHC - Single Overhead Cam
SPFI - Sequential Port Fuel Injection
SPOUT - Spark Output
SPK - Spark Control
SOL/Sol. - Solenoid
SRI - Service Reminder Indicator
SRS - Secondary Restraint System
SRS - Supplemental Restraint System (air bag)
SRT - System Readiness Test
SS - Speed Sensor
SSI - Solid State Ignition
STAR - Self-Test Automatic Readout
STFT - Short Term Fuel Trim
STO - Self-Test Output
SUB-O2 - Sub Oxygen Sensor
Sw. - Switch
SWB - Short Wheel-Base
Sys. - System
TAB - Thermactor Air By-Pass
TAD - Thermactor Air Diverter
TACH - Tachometer
TB - Throttle Body
TBI - Throttle Body Injection
TC - Turbocharged
TCC - Torque Converter Clutch
TCM - Transmission or Transaxle Control Module
TCS - Traction control solenoid (SAAB 9000)
TD - Turbo Diesel
TDC - Top Dead Center
TDI - Turbo Direct Injection (A turbo charged direct injected diesel engine)
Temp. - Temperature
TFI - Thick Film Ignition
THERMAC - Thermostatic Air Cleaner
TIV - Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
TKS - Throttle Kicker Solenoid
TPI - Tuned Port Injection
TPP - Throttle Position Potentiometer
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor/Switch
TPT - Throttle Position Transducer
TS - Temperature Sensor
TSP - Throttle Solenoid Positioner
TV - Throttle Valve
TV - Thermovalve
TVS - Thermal Vacuum Switch
TWC - Three Way Catalyst
TWC+OC - Three Way + Oxidation Catalytic Converter
V - Valve
Vac. - Vacuum
VAF - Vane Airflow
VAPS - Variable Assist Power Steering
VCC - Viscous Converter Clutch
VCRM - Variable Control Relay Module
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
VM - Vacuum Modulator
VOLT. - Voltage
VOM - Volt-Ohmmeter (Analog)
VRV - Vacuum Regulator Valve
VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSV - Vacuum Switching Valve
VVC - Variable Valve Control
VVT - Variable Valve Timing
W/ - With
W/O - Without
WAC - Wide Open Throttle A/C Switch
WOT - Wide Open Throttle
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