Knock sensor

  • 2004 OPEL MERIVA
  • 150,000 MILES
Please please help. I drive an Opel America 2004, z16xe engine. My service light came on and I lost power. I took it for a service and afterwards I still had the same problem. Was send for a diagnostic test and it showed knock sensor. Had it replaced with genuine Delphi sensor and for 3 months I was singing praises. After 3 months, same problem again and I had it replaced 4 times already and no joy. Mechanic just tells me if it showes sensor then it must be sensor. I am not a mechanic, but I am sure something else must be faulty. Any advice? Please help me
Sunday, March 27th, 2016 AT 8:49 AM

1 Reply

  • 48,600 POSTS
We don't have that model in usa. But if overtorrqued they will go bad and a lot of times the harness needs replacing as well. Should be checked for a bad wire going to computer as well and any loose metal parts banging against engine
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Sunday, March 27th, 2016 AT 4:18 PM

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